My heart is wounded
Oh low from the thunder
and lightning in the rain
as of today
this moment
this second
with her gone
its gone with the rain
down in the depth
of this soul
that which came
to murder
has taken
and done what
it was set out to do
there is none
left without a broken
hear my cry
hear the thunder
hear the lightning
of the one that is
forever separated
from love
up in the hill
safe behind the locked
yet silence kills
the once star
that burned brightly
is no longer
seeing the stars
she so loved
sometimes they peak
through and carry
her a smile
but most of the time
now its mixed in
and clouds of the
night sky
to the one
that her heart was
not supposed to
turn to stone
to always be
safe from that harsh
the tears of heaven
rain down
like the ghosts that
remain in the
sparks of tiny lights
for all roses that
are cut soon wilt
never to be replaced
only can a new one
come and lay in
the seasons to the
moment of bloom
til its on the ground
each and every one
bleeds within itself
where justice now
lays and the cold
metal holds in the stone
that turns its head
like the silver that
tarnishes in the lost
when all the ravens
have circled and crowed
and left there mark
its only a matter of
each of us feels
the sadness
the sorrow of that
to become a memory
of all that is left
we cherish what we
though in time
all fade into that
same darkness
for there is no one left
in heaven or hell
to do but weep
for the mother is now
chained into
a cage that
one day will ripple
through the earth
when the reaper comes
to take the only
one that knows away
will then the moment
through each soul
left know the truth has
spoken and
the darkness won
despite all the efforts
to escape that chaos
only one is left to follow
in the footsteps
of the one cruicified
and we all know
we all know
the rose and the sword
that walked hand in hand
are now trapped
in the light that shines
before the thunder
that split second silence
rings and rings and rings
like the screams that once
filled the ears
simple and true
only one carries with her
the knowledge of what
has been done
for said to forever be
separated from that love
for all eternity
cuts like a knife
into the soul of the one left
i close my eyes
to see her before me
in that moment before
he said walk away
and she walked away
there are no other
images that haunt as much
as to see the one
i loved walk away
and not save me as i asked
i was told to open the door
and take with me
only one thing
and out the door into
the rain would i walk
i took up my stick
the one i made and etched
and my cloak and
out the door i went
standing at the stairs
hearing her call out
to me come walk with me
lay with me in the rain
in the ground
in the nature
i just stood there
i wanted to go
i was being beckoned
to go
and yet i stood there
i said out to her
mother oh great mother
i want to walk with you
i truly do to keep you
yet i don't want to die
i have a purpose yet
i have to stay here
i have to find the one
that still holds my heart
in there hands
she said that is my
daughter she will not come
to you
she will not comfort you
she will bring you
only misery if you follow
that road
don't leave into the night
don't leave into the light
stay with me here
on earth and walk with me
in the rain
into the rain
i cried my tears
as the rain washed them
away and in that
moment she said
in the rain when you
walk with me
you will then be as i am
i walked into the rain
only when it was sprinkling down
standing on the stairs
and then she said
if you don't walk to
the woods with me
and lay down there
we three will not come
I stood in the rain
and let it wash over me
saying don't let me die
in the rain let me stay
dry for now and only be
in the sprinkling of rain
for awhile longer
she then said i will not
wait its not the way i am
i will walk into you now
and stay with you awhile
before i am called back
to share that what i can
keep you alive when the
hounds of my daughters
come to take you away
i will not let them do so
then i will walk away
and the earth will be
as it was only for as
long as there is breath
of just one soul left
and i then walked back inside
and cried myself to sleep
into the flowered chair
and when i awoke into
a nightmare vision
did i flow in and out
of the world i once knew
into that rain oh...
that rain
wash the wounds away
of the one that left me
here and took from me
something I will never get
oh to the rose of who
i am to the rose of who
i wish i could be
and the rose that will
never be ...
oh Mother will i ever
be walking with you again
I miss you so now...
from that moment a year
ago ...
Oh to the gifts you
left with me and to
the ones you took from me
know that she has
returned back to me
that which all was taken
so I will go sit by her side
when that day comes
to claim
I will sit with the one that
protected me from
all that wanted to take me
from this world I so love
I will walk that path
til the eternity of my soul
meets the great mother
once more...
into that rain
that sprinkling rain.