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Poetry and Writings




With this rune I hold bears the

marking etched into my soul...

by piercing this heart...

for eternity...

a gathering of emotions...

trickled down my legs

as fear settled into my mind...

cultural history circles

the existance of all...

father supernatural shakes the Earth...

beneath my feet cracking

the land I am on...

all riches I've possessed

fell into the pits of Hel's mouth …

now lingers shadows of a mystery...

lost to the sea of memories...

The warrior carries onward

cold and bitter to

Love's harsh wake...

Sifting through the sands of time...

looking for the two-edged sword

between life and death...

a miracle lays wounded

by a false dream...

the moon brought

in the night scarring...

the reality of What's happened

to be one as the prophesy says...

to waste no more vained days....

searching for what

destiny will not seriously consider....

important any longer

as the cries ...echo...

in the darkness so

does the Rune...X

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